Hahnemann wrote a letter to Dr. Rummel on Title and Fees in private practice, and emphasized how he practiced in following manner:
Of course a title such as that of “Medicinalrath” has the advantage of procuring a physician better fees, especially for the homeopath whom the enemy of his science seeks to humiliate; but even if it were not so, it is advisable for the homeopathic physician to set a very much higher value on his so infinitely superior science of healing, so as to procure for himself better fees, or at least to put chronic patients on a settled monthly fee (preferably paid in advance), and to make the poorer patients pay a small sum each time, if it were only a few groschen — accipe dum dolet [Take while it hurts — R.H.].
Only in this way is it possible for the physician to avoid loss, and keep up his courage by seeing some actual money for his trouble.
Even such small amounts if regularly and correctly paid up each time will mount up to a sum, and the patient who pays every time hardly notices it in his purse, because he discharges his duty gradually, and when he has recovered, or else has left off coming before treatment is completed, he has no claim on us or we on him; he separates from us if not grateful and satisfied, also without indignation.
What he has given gradually has passed out of his mind and the physician has received his due, in this way it passes from the patient’s purse into that of the doctor without causing displeasure.
Otherwise how much annoyance is created for the physician, if he presents the bill when the patient is gradually improving, and has completely forgotten the great amount of trouble the doctor has taken, ut fieri solet [as usually happens — R.H.].
Since I have been practising the beneficient method of treatment, I have never made a claim afterwards, but have always proceeded as above stated.
When the payment of small amounts at the time of consultation, and the system of monthly pre-remuneration of the wealthy classes, has been introduced, and the patients have got accustomed to it, then every one brings his money un-reminded with him, or sends it monthly with a letter, and things continue without a grumble.
If the physician conducts his establishment properly, and is a helpful homeopath, he can make a good income and also save a little.
Samuel Hahnemann
19 May, 1831.